Performance Reviews
During a complex offshore construction project, many stakeholders are involved to achieve a shared outcome. Delays can be expensive and have knock on effects which can be significantly detrimental to a project.
Scott Marine Consultants provide performance reviews on an 'as needed' basis to wind farm developers looking to maximise efficiency and reduce additional costs on their project. We can evaluate contractor performance and find out where improvements can be made to improve the speed and safety of a project to the benefit of all stakeholders.
Scott Marine Consultants take a holistic approach to evaluating performance by evaluating data provided by the client and their contractors. If required, Scott Marine Consultants can attend offshore to witness operations and meet with relevant parties to better understand the unique challenges faced by your project. This allows our consultants to better identify appropriate improvements and solutions with buy in from all stake holders.
Typical operations that Scott Marine Consultants can assist with include:
Complete wind farm installation
Array and export Cable operations;
WTG installation;
Foundation installation;
Mooring hook-up;
Tidal energy devices;
Monopile installation;
Operations and Maintenance;
Interconnector installation and maintenance;
Subsea power cables;
Floating wind installation & maintenance;
Substation installation.
Scott Marine Consultants provides performance reviews of offshore operations including weather downtime
Scott Marine Consultants provides performance reviews of offshore operations including operations and maintenance
Scott Marine Consultants provides performance reviews of offshore operations including weather downtime